Nam Ô

As a small village gracefully nestled along the bay, Nam O holds countless treasures of nature, so that once anyone arrives at this place, they cannot help but be enchanted with lingering affection—because of the scenery, and because of the cuisine here…

Long ago, across the vast Quang region, people masterfully selected five royal tribute offerings, three of which hailed from the small village of Nam O: fish sauce, fish salad, and seaweed. These were gifts bestowed by the sea upon the village, allowing artisans to freely create and elevate the homeland’s delicacies.

Nam O fish salad used to be a rustic, humble dish which was favored by the Kings

Nam O fish salad used to be a rustic, humble dish which was favored by the Kings

Today, along the tidal stream, Nam O’s shores welcome more kinds of seafood, diversifying this place’s collection of nature’s delicacies. Among them, the blue clams are significantly recognized for their high nutritional value and their radiant, iridescent shells.

With various ingredients and a 700-year-old culinary tradition, the people of Nam O transform blue clams into the fishing village’s signature specialties

With various ingredients and a 700-year-old culinary tradition, the people of Nam O transform blue clams into the fishing village’s signature specialties

Unlike commonly found clams, blue clams appear to absorb the very essence of the ocean and sky, adorned with shimmering blue veins across their shells. According to culinary experts, blue clams contain up to 56% protein relative to their weight and are considered a prized delicacy, used in a variety of exquisite dishes. With a wealth of natural ingredients and a 700-year culinary tradition, Nam O villagers bring to life dishes that are deeply tied to the village’s fishing heritage from this treasured seafood.

Nam O Heritage will become the international go-to destination, playing a part in introducing and promoting Vietnamese traditional culture to international fellows

Nam O Heritage will become the international go-to destination, playing a part in introducing and promoting Vietnamese traditional culture to international fellows

With a history of hundreds of years, silently nurturing and developing a diverse traditional culture rich in Vietnamese soul, Nam O is not only shimmering with historical hues but also vibrant with majestic natural scenery and a distinctive cuisine. In the days to come, when Nam O Heritage becomes a sought-after destination on a global scale, the precious intrinsic values of Nam O village will be introduced to the world, spreading the beauty of Vietnamese traditional culture.

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